About Us
SPARC (W6SPR) is an organization of amateur radio operators in South Pasadena, CA and the surrounding communities. Our focus is connecting local hams and providing emergency communications training and services. Please join us at our monthly meetings, whether you’re a long-time operator with an Amateur Extra license or someone new to the hobby who wants to learn more. Thanks for visiting, and 73!
John Aboud, KK6ZVQ
Jeff Liter, W2JCL
Tom Bruegge, KE6SRO
John Aboud, KK6ZVQ
Jeff Liter, W2JCL
Tom Bruegge, KE6SRO
Monthly Schedule
First Wednesday of the Month
Member Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Eddie Park House
2017 Edgewood Dr., 91030
Second Wednesday of the Month
Simplex Net
7:30 p.m.
145.600 MHz, no PL
Third and Subsequent Wednesdays
TELCO Repeater Net
7:30 p.m.
145.180 MHz, negative offset, PL 156.7
Fridays Casual Net: WD6ABC Repeater (C4FM)
8:00 p.m.
445.540 MHz, negative offset, PL 123.0
NEW! Net begins on the repeater and may move to other frequencies at the discretion of net control.
Member Meeting
7:30 p.m.
Eddie Park House
2017 Edgewood Dr., 91030
Second Wednesday of the Month
Simplex Net
7:30 p.m.
145.600 MHz, no PL
Third and Subsequent Wednesdays
TELCO Repeater Net
7:30 p.m.
145.180 MHz, negative offset, PL 156.7
Fridays Casual Net: WD6ABC Repeater (C4FM)
8:00 p.m.
445.540 MHz, negative offset, PL 123.0
NEW! Net begins on the repeater and may move to other frequencies at the discretion of net control.
Join, Renew or Donate
Click here for our membership form.
Dues are $20 per year. One membership covers all members in the same household. Our preferred method of payment is Zelle. Use payments@southpasradio.org or scan the code below.

Dues are $20 per year. One membership covers all members in the same household. Our preferred method of payment is Zelle. Use payments@southpasradio.org or scan the code below.

You can also pay via credit card using PayPal.
Donations are always welcome!