Our adventurous avian presents a roundup of radio-related news and information from around the web.
Submitted by Savi, W1SAV
A few hours away, the Big Bear Ham Escape is taking place for the second year in a row. There are seminars, networking, and some POTA. I plan to be there starting Thursday, April 24 and leaving on Sunday. I had fun last year, and made two activations. Will I see you there?
Submitted by Tony, K6TTP
Another posting for OLD hams and SWL-ers, like me, who remember the good old days. Listening to SW in the late Postwar ’40s is what led me to become a ham at age 10 in 1952. Those days are over but I recall them nostalgically. They will never be back, nor is there probably any reason why they should be back. But it was fun once upon a time.
QRPblog: VHF/UHF Handheld Comparison
To the dismay of some and the exhilaration of others, here’s some good dope on some HT units. May be useful to potential buyers of new/used HTs.
Submitted by John, KK6ZVQ
Adrian, KN6MHG added that there is also a Facebook group that discusses vintage RadioShack catalogs.